6 Tips for Optimal Health in Summer Holidays


6 Top Tips for Summer Holidays

Blog 26 

Planning a Summer break? I am so excited for you!

You may be visiting your family back home; you may be headed to a leisure destination for a grand holiday with your kids and family

Or, you may be staycationing right here in the UAE or you just might very well be wishing to enjoy your own cosy home while experiencing the warmth of summer season.

Whatever you have planned, my top recommendation to you is “Keep your health at top priority functioning optimally even when you are taking a break!”

Why am I saying this to you?

I know and I observe many of us who go for a vacation with the mindset that they will break free from the routine and binge to enjoy. Fair enough but what happens as a result of this breaking free is that we go all out, eat and drink anything without a conscious thought behind it as if our mind is not in our control. This is followed by either physical discomfort when we return or we end up looking for the best weight loss plan in town!

Sounds familiar, does it?

Why not plan to stay healthy just as you plan for your break? Let the health plan be a part of the whole holiday plan!

They say “Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail”

If one really wishes to continue on the path of health during holidays, it is not only possible but doable.

I want to give you my 6 Top tips to keep yourself healthy during this summer break so that you are full of energy all along and simply continue when you come back!

Top Break Tip 1 : Eat mindfully

  • Start you day with FRUITS. Have a substantial serving that fills you up without worry. Do not mix more than 2-3 varieties of fruits at one time.
  • If you are roaming around during lunch and you have to eat at a restaurant, make the best possible selection that may not be ideal but is better than going all out junk. Chose a large salad or vegetables with whatever choice of protein, fat or carbohydrate you may want.
  • Always carry a fruit or fruits when with kids along with healthy unsalted nuts and seeds if you are on a road trip or hiking somewhere. This will help you avoid binging at the first sight of food when you reach your destination.
  • Avoid smoothies with ice creams or yogurt.


Top Break Tip 2: Hydrate yourself

Not just with water but also with high water content fruits and herbal teas. This will keep your body going.

Top Break Tip 3: Stay Active

  • You may want to relax and that’s understandable however, do not completely stop exercising. Take out few minutes even if you workout in your room in case there is no gym or open park nearby.
  • Walk where you can. Waling is the best way if you are sight-seeing.


Top Break Tip 4: Go Slow on Beverages

Enjoy your holidays, just don’t go over the top. Take care of yourself and be mindful.

Top break Tip 5: Increase those activities that Decrease your Stress Levels

  • Practice gratitude every day, every moment
  • Take a journal with you to record your thoughts and experiences. This is a much better way to connect with your soul rather than typing on your smart phone in an app. There is a direct connection of your body and mind when you write.
  • Practice meditation when you can – this could be a new activity that you begin this summer.

Top break Tip 6: Enjoy Swimming Pools and Beach but..

Wash off the chlorine immediately from your body and hair when you use swimming pools.

  • Try not to use chemicals on your body when relaxing at the beach such as – Tanning lotions or sun block creams. Soak up some sun without them either in the morning or in the evening. Your body will thank you for it and you get that dose to make Vit. D.

Additional Tip from Sunny Side for those who are staying back at home:

Try new recipes of salads or smoothies if you decide to stay right where you are, at home.

Sunny Side Wellness wishes everybody a great Summer of 2019!