Shalini Arora Natural Hygiene Coach & Yoga Instructor

Hi! I’m Shalini. I help busy people on the go, with no time and energy,  nurture a healthy lifestyle using principles of Natural Hygiene so that they become their best versions.

I work with hundreds of women and men who wish to improve their lifestyles to become healthier and achieve their goals; I too was struggling with the pressures of everyday life that imbalanced my Thyroid function a few years ago. I understand exactly where one may get stuck and how we can get out of it. If you are the one who wants to take charge of your wellbeing and experience life as a whole, then Sunny Side programs are just for you.

It is my pleasure to share my story with you.


My Thyroid Story

A daughter, sister, wife and mother to a college going daughter.

These are the roles that I am playing in my life. My struggle with Thyroid imbalance made me think about how I could help people with my knowledge on Natural Hygiene using the same principles that will not only help them to bring the balance but will also bring joy to their lives.

My Struggle

I struggled with Hypothyroidism few years ago, but I decided to take the matter in my hands. This was a personal decision. You must consult your doctor to analyze your condition and see how you can work on it.

I decided to take the route of Ayurveda to begin with. While this took some time, I slowly learnt that taking care of one’s nutrition, physical activity and psychological tranquility can solve the problem. I continued on my path of self healing and I can proudly say today that I am free from thyroid dysfunction, am much healthier and feel younger than ever before.
The journey to one’s optimum health is an ongoing one. One must ensure continuity to stay on the path to achieve larger than life goals.

I aspire to spread the learning to all of you. The smile on my client’s face , the energized feeling they get, their journey of transformation is what inspires me to be who I am today.

Why am I aspiring to touch as many lives as possible?

First and foremost, I extend my gratitude towards the Universe for granting me this life and an opportunity to help people in any way I can.

While learning about my own body and mind using Natural Hygiene principles, I decided to step into the role of a guide, sharing my experience of maintaining OPTIMAL HEALTH in simple and effective ways.

What is the Secret to my Energy?

  • Consumption of only fruits till 12 noon for the last 15 years

  • Moderate exercising

  • Attempting to look inward using Yoga

  • Learning more about my own mind and training it to take instructions from me

  • Striving to be close to nature whenever possible

  • An ever-growing urge to seek and learn new skills

  • Being kind and gentle towards everyone


I am the proud Founder of Sunny Side Lifestyle Coaching. My Vision is to bring out everybody’s Sunny Side that elevates their health and spirit with food and yoga.

This masterplan is not only challenging but beautifully encouraging because I see people understanding health much more, taking health in their own hands, and not wait to reach the stage of dis-ease. Natural Hygiene works on you as a preventive measure and not as a treatment after developing a condition.

Are you READY for Transformation towards a healthier, better YOU?

Together we will create a lifestyle strategy for you that puts you on track of VITALITY, LONGEVITY, AND OVERALL HEALTH of body and mind.


“This moment is all we have, and this is the moment you’ve been waiting for”
