Does Stress cause Physical Disease? 5 Ways Natural Foods can help.

Any kind of stress; mental, emotional, chemical or extreme physical stress causes disease in the body. We are talking about “Psychosomatic Diseases”. By definition, a Psychosomatic Disorder is one in which both mind and body are involved. Some articles and reports indicate that up to a third or more people see their doctors for symptoms which are medically unexplained. Some other times one may suffer from back pain, neck pain, insomnia, anxiety, high blood pressure. In fact, if we look deeply into what people think in relation to their state of health, it is somewhere related.

The main causes of stress that leads to self-created psychosomatic diseases are:

  1. We have expanded our expectations from self to the extreme. This is more towards the physical and material aspects of life. Not fulfilling them all creates lot of stress.
  2. We continuously expect from others and when that person or situation is not as per us, it creates stress in our mind and hence body.
  3. Today, there is stress from all areas of life including work, family, social circles, health, finances and more.
  4. Manifesting disease to get attention.

Let’s understand that Stress is a chemical affair. Our body releases Cortisol when we are stressed. Cortisol is the stress hormone that flows in the blood stream when we are in “fight or flight” mode. Healthy amount of Cortisol is released when we wake up in the morning or when we exercise but essentially this hormone is released when the body sees danger and requires saving itself. All systems shut down and the focus is on surviving. Today, in the modern world even though there is no tiger running after us, we are in constant fight or flight mode while we rush in to everything we do; example – driving, arguing, rushing to work, rushing back to be home in time, trying hard to spend time with children etc. This largely means whenever you perceive stress, your body releases stress hormone and if we are constantly stressed, cortisol is always there in our blood stream.

This causes our Adrenal system to start working overtime and slowly reach the point of break down. We start gaining weight that is not easy to lose, our immunity goes down and our blood sugars become imbalanced, our sleep patterns are irregular, and all this affects our mental state.

This clearly shows how the mind and body are related and not to be handled separately.

If we can handle our mind our body will always be intact and if we can take care of our body, our mind in turn will always be under control.

You must have read and experienced many a times “We are what we eat and assimilate”. If we give our body the fuel it needs, it is 100% sure that the mind will always be happy and joyful because the food we eat literally makes new cells and blood. Quality of new cells and blood depends on the quality of nutrition that is put in the body.

So the question arises “What do we eat, how and when?”

Natural Hygiene is all about experiencing the benefits of Laws of Nature. One of the important factors is Natural Foods. Eating the way our body is designed to eat, we can avoid many physical and psychological problems.

5 Ways Natural Foods can help deal with Stress

  1. Natural foods are the right fuel for your body.
  2. Natural Foods do not tax your digestive system to work over time.
  3. Natural Foods make you feel much more energetic, light and happy.
  4. Eating Natural Foods give you live enzymes that are beneficial for health.
  5. Natural Foods bring back the balance in your body and mind.

So, what do we eat?

  1. Top of the list goes to “FRUITS”
  2. Fresh Vegetables
  3. Nuts & Seeds
  4. Sprouts
  5. Beans & Legumes
  6. Whole Grains
  7. Organic Raw Dairy (if you can’t do without it at all)

For When an How of doing it right, contact me through the website.

Wishing health and joy for all!