Visceral Fat, also known as abdominal fat or belly fat is the fat under your muscles around your belly area that actually surrounds your organs inside. This is what risks you to anything from heart condition to Type 2 Diabetes to high blood pressure, breathing difficulties etc.
So you could have a normal BMI but if your muscle mass is low and you have higher abdominal fat, you could still be at risk. Of course, not to underestimate the discomfort that comes with it – difficulty in walking, bending, breathing and doing things with ease.
What are the main reasons for this type of fat to surround you? They are:
- Eating more than what you burn and of course eating foods that are not desired by your body.
- Stress – very important factor. We are always in fight or flight mode which means a continuous release of Cortisol in the blood stream and that is not good.
- Smoking, excessive use of alcohol and binge eating along
Well, in conditions such as above resulting in Visceral fat, one thing to understand is that the body is under stress due to inflammations which bring about an imbalance in the functioning of the body. We do not leave our body alone, constantly supplying it with food to digest and stress to handle.
This article is not the first one to tell you to take care of your health. Iif you wish to get rid of visceral fat, start being aware of the signals your body gives you. Take the below actions and start walking on the path to freedom:
- Make slow and steady life style changes
- Nourish your body, don’t fill it up with unnecessary food looking things
- Just like you eat and sleep, make sure you move for at least 30 minutes a day
- Relax – Self-care is as important
Develop your spiritual side if you are not already spiritual (not to be mixed with religion)
- Get close to nature – every other day If not possible every day, get close to mother Earth because that is where we belong
- Value every human being
- Live in the present, live in NOW
My mission is to help you do all above. Sometimes, a guide and a support is all what you are looking for !
In your good health